Last updated: 2022-10-11

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: gsmash/

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The results in this page were generated with repository version 979e654. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  analysis/.ipynb_checkpoints/
    Untracked:  analysis/symbolic_diff_python.ipynb

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/normal_mean_penalty_glm_simplified.Rmd
    Modified:   code/normal_mean_model_utils.R

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/normal_mean_penalized_optimization_prior_mean.Rmd) and HTML (docs/normal_mean_penalized_optimization_prior_mean.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 979e654 Dongyue Xie 2022-10-11 wflow_publish("analysis/normal_mean_penalized_optimization_prior_mean.Rmd")
html 3bfad05 Dongyue Xie 2022-10-11 Build site.
Rmd e3a9d3c Dongyue Xie 2022-10-11 wflow_publish("analysis/normal_mean_penalized_optimization_prior_mean.Rmd")


Add support for prior mean, \(g=\sum_k\pi_k N(\mu,\sigma^2_k)\).

See the previous one for the case with \(\mu=0\).

n = 300
w0 = 0.9
lambda = c(rep(0,round(n*w0)),rep(10,n-round(n*w0)))
w_true = c(w0,1-w0)
grid_true = c(0.01,7)
s = rep(1,n)
y = rnorm(n,lambda,s)
fit.ash = ashr::ash(y,s,mixcompdist = 'normal',mode='estimate')
#grid = exp(seq(log(s/100),log(sqrt(max(abs(y^2-s^2)))),by=log(sqrt(2))))
#fit.ash = S(y,s,w_true,grid_true)
grid = fit.ash$fitted_g$sd
K = length(grid)
ploter = function(fit,y,lambda,main='known prior'){
  legend('topleft',c('data','z','true mean','estimated mean'),pch=c(1,20,NA,NA),lty=c(NA,NA,1,1),col=c('grey80','grey80','grey60',1))

ash fit

fit.ash = ash(y,s,mixcompdist = 'normal',pointmass=F,prior='uniform',mixsd=grid,mode='estimate')
plot(y,main='ash fit',col='grey80')
legend('topleft',c('data','true mean','ash posteriorMean'),pch=c(1,NA,NA),lty=c(NA,1,1),col=c('grey80','grey60',1))

 [1] 0.1640290 0.6978145 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
 [8] 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
[15] 0.1381564 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000

 [1] 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976
 [8] 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976
[15] 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976 0.1263976

 [1]  0.00000000  0.08925154  0.12622074  0.17850309  0.25244149  0.35700617
 [7]  0.50488297  0.71401235  1.00976595  1.42802470  2.01953189  2.85604939
[13]  4.03906379  5.71209879  8.07812757 11.42419757 16.15625515 22.84839515

[1] "normalmix"
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Compound method

#'objective function
#'@param theta (z,w,mu)
#'@param grid prior sds
f_obj = function(theta,y,s,grid){
  n = length(y)
  K = length(grid)
  w = softmax(theta[(n+1):(n+K)])
  z = theta[1:n]
  mu = theta[n+K+1]
  res = sum((y-z-s^2*l_nm_d1_z(z,s,w,mu,grid))^2/2/s^2 - l_nm(z,s,w,mu,grid) - s^2*(l_nm_d1_z(z,s,w,mu,grid))^2/2)


#'objective function
#'@param theta (mu_bar,w,mu)
#'@param grid prior sds
f_obj_grad = function(theta,y,s,grid){
  n = length(y)
  K = length(grid)
  a = theta[(n+1):(n+K)]
  w = softmax(a)
  z = theta[1:n]
  mu = theta[n+K+1]
  grad_z = (1+s^2*l_nm_d2_z(z,s,w,mu,grid))*(z-y)/s^2
  grad_a = colSums((s^2*l_nm_d1_z(z,s,w,mu,grid)-y+z)*l_nm_d2_za(z,s,a,mu,grid) - l_nm_d1_a(z,s,a,mu,grid) - s^2*l_nm_d1_z(z,s,w,mu,grid)*l_nm_d2_za(z,s,a,mu,grid))
  grad_mu = sum(-(l_nm_d2_zmu(z,s,w,mu,grid)*(y-z)+l_nm_d1_mu(z,s,w,mu,grid)))


ebnm_penalized_compound = function(x,s,grid,z_init = NULL,
                                   w_init=NULL,mu_init = 0,opt_method = 'L-BFGS-B'){
  n = length(x)
  K = length(grid)
    w_init = rep(1/K,K)
    s = rep(s,n)
    z_init = x
    mu_init = 0
  out = optim(c(z_init,w_init,mu_init),
  z = out$par[1:n]
  a = out$par[(n+1):(n+K)]
  w = softmax(a)
  mu = out$par[n+K+1]
  posteriorMean = S(z,s,w,mu,grid)
  return(list(z=z,w=w,mu=mu,a=a,posteriorMean=posteriorMean,opt_res = out))
fit = ebnm_penalized_compound(y,s,grid,opt_method = 'L-BFGS-B')
 [1] 5.155791e-01 2.256561e-01 9.944183e-02 2.011789e-02 9.931201e-04
 [6] 4.664628e-06 6.655961e-10 1.023420e-15 9.242831e-24 2.485051e-33
[11] 5.681738e-42 1.445639e-46 1.007825e-41 1.776286e-22 1.382073e-01
[16] 8.434859e-15 1.731358e-29 8.259892e-41
[1] 0.1259986
[1] 592.05
ploter(fit,y,lambda,main='compound penalty')

inversion method

#'objective function
#'@param theta (theta,w,mu)
#'@param grid prior sds
f_obj = function(params,y,s,grid,z_range){
  n = length(y)
  K = length(grid)
  w = softmax(params[(n+1):(n+K)])
  theta = params[1:n]
  mu = params[n+K+1]
  z = S_inv(theta,s,w,mu,grid,z_range)
  return(sum((y-theta)^2/2/s^2 - l_nm(z,s,w,mu,grid)-(z-theta)^2/2/s^2))

#'objective function
#'@param theta (theta,w,mu)
#'@param grid prior sds
f_obj_grad = function(params,y,s,grid,z_range){
  n = length(y)
  K = length(grid)
  a = params[(n+1):(n+K)]
  w = softmax(a)
  theta = params[1:n]
  mu = params[n+K+1]
  z = S_inv(theta,s,w,mu,grid,z_range)
  grad_theta = (z-y)/s^2
  grad_a = -colSums(l_nm_d1_a(z,s,a,mu,grid))
  grad_mu = -sum(l_nm_d1_mu(z,s,w,mu,grid))

ebnm_penalized_inversion = function(x,s,grid,theta_init = NULL,
                                    w_init=NULL,mu_init=NULL,z_range=NULL,opt_method = 'L-BFGS-B'){
  n = length(x)
  K = length(grid)
    w_init = rep(1/K,K)
    s = rep(s,n)
    theta_init = rep(0,n)
    z_range = range(x) + c(-1,1)
    mu_init = 0
  params = c(theta_init,w_init,mu_init)
  out = optim(params,
                   gr = f_obj_grad,
                 method = opt_method,
  return(list(posteriorMean = out$par[1:n],a = out$par[(n+1):(n+K)] ,w = softmax(out$par[(n+1):(n+K)]),mu=out$par[n+K+1],opt_res = out))

init posterior mean at 0

fit = ebnm_penalized_inversion(y,s,grid,opt_method = 'L-BFGS-B')
iter   10 value 916.791551
iter   20 value 680.289814
iter   30 value 676.275302
iter   40 value 674.754978
iter   50 value 674.164319
iter   60 value 673.936203
iter   70 value 673.813463
iter   80 value 673.701252
iter   90 value 673.574599
iter  100 value 673.513587
iter  110 value 673.482799
iter  120 value 673.460379
iter  130 value 673.441826
iter  140 value 673.430328
iter  150 value 673.420092
iter  160 value 673.412990
iter  170 value 673.405236
iter  180 value 673.403300
iter  190 value 673.401169
iter  200 value 673.398705
iter  210 value 673.395894
iter  220 value 673.393414
iter  230 value 673.389377
iter  240 value 673.384472
iter  250 value 673.379168
iter  260 value 673.374583
iter  270 value 673.370725
iter  280 value 673.368396
iter  290 value 673.367189
iter  300 value 673.366888
iter  310 value 673.366488
iter  320 value 673.366221
iter  330 value 673.365556
iter  340 value 673.364958
iter  350 value 673.364795
iter  360 value 673.363563
iter  370 value 673.362471
iter  380 value 673.361861
iter  390 value 673.361754
final  value 673.361715 
 [1] 0.745 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.255
[13] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
[1] 0.2723038
[1] 673.3617
ploter(fit,y,lambda,main='inversion method')

Take a look at the gradient.


It seems that the gradient is not close to 0 enough…may need to change initialization or convergence criteria.

init posterior mean at true ones

fit = ebnm_penalized_inversion(y,s,grid,theta_init = fit.ash$result$PosteriorMean,opt_method = 'L-BFGS-B')
iter   10 value 604.772606
iter   20 value 597.279634
iter   30 value 593.797933
iter   40 value 592.623186
iter   50 value 592.229877
iter   60 value 592.171496
iter   70 value 592.134525
iter   80 value 592.090706
iter   90 value 592.078472
iter  100 value 592.072828
iter  110 value 592.070486
iter  120 value 592.067446
iter  130 value 592.065486
iter  140 value 592.061779
iter  150 value 592.059573
iter  160 value 592.058335
iter  170 value 592.056998
iter  180 value 592.054891
iter  190 value 592.053641
iter  200 value 592.052267
iter  210 value 592.051554
final  value 592.051373 
 [1] 0.386 0.246 0.154 0.062 0.012 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
[13] 0.000 0.000 0.138 0.000 0.000 0.000
[1] 0.1262144
[1] 592.0514
ploter(fit,y,lambda,main='inversion method')

init posterior mean at observation

fit = ebnm_penalized_inversion(y,s,grid,theta_init = y,opt_method = 'L-BFGS-B')
iter   10 value 601.432580
iter   20 value 596.081624
iter   30 value 594.038387
iter   40 value 593.499864
iter   50 value 592.965981
iter   60 value 592.712260
iter   70 value 592.543050
iter   80 value 592.384290
iter   90 value 592.338211
iter  100 value 592.226144
iter  110 value 592.192770
iter  120 value 592.152542
iter  130 value 592.127855
iter  140 value 592.118878
iter  150 value 592.112448
iter  160 value 592.108004
iter  170 value 592.103310
iter  180 value 592.095447
iter  190 value 592.087116
iter  200 value 592.083100
iter  210 value 592.078801
iter  220 value 592.070539
iter  230 value 592.065541
iter  240 value 592.062380
iter  250 value 592.060465
iter  260 value 592.059115
iter  270 value 592.058448
iter  280 value 592.058086
iter  290 value 592.057721
iter  300 value 592.057549
iter  310 value 592.057196
iter  320 value 592.056769
iter  330 value 592.056502
iter  340 value 592.056145
iter  350 value 592.055410
iter  360 value 592.055007
iter  370 value 592.054478
iter  380 value 592.053732
iter  390 value 592.053054
iter  400 value 592.052602
iter  410 value 592.052068
iter  420 value 592.051450
iter  430 value 592.051120
iter  440 value 592.051011
final  value 592.050997 
 [1] 0.262 0.292 0.239 0.069 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
[13] 0.000 0.000 0.138 0.000 0.000 0.000
[1] 0.1261618
[1] 592.051
ploter(fit,y,lambda,main='inversion method')

R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 22621)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] ashr_2.2-54     workflowr_1.7.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.9       highr_0.9        compiler_4.2.1   pillar_1.8.1    
 [5] bslib_0.4.0      later_1.3.0      git2r_0.30.1     jquerylib_0.1.4 
 [9] tools_4.2.1      getPass_0.2-2    digest_0.6.29    lattice_0.20-45 
[13] jsonlite_1.8.0   evaluate_0.16    tibble_3.1.8     lifecycle_1.0.2 
[17] pkgconfig_2.0.3  rlang_1.0.5      Matrix_1.4-1     cli_3.3.0       
[21] rstudioapi_0.14  yaml_2.3.5       xfun_0.32        fastmap_1.1.0   
[25] invgamma_1.1     httr_1.4.4       stringr_1.4.1    knitr_1.40      
[29] fs_1.5.2         vctrs_0.4.1      sass_0.4.2       grid_4.2.1      
[33] rprojroot_2.0.3  glue_1.6.2       R6_2.5.1         processx_3.7.0  
[37] fansi_1.0.3      rmarkdown_2.16   mixsqp_0.3-47    irlba_2.3.5     
[41] callr_3.7.2      magrittr_2.0.3   whisker_0.4      ps_1.7.1        
[45] promises_1.2.0.1 htmltools_0.5.3  httpuv_1.6.5     utf8_1.2.2      
[49] stringi_1.7.8    truncnorm_1.0-8  SQUAREM_2021.1   cachem_1.0.6