Last updated: 2023-01-01

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 33d6e0e DongyueXie 2023-01-01 wflow_publish("analysis/splitting_PMF_memory_issue.Rmd")


The splitting PMF method, first implementation, requires the following matrices:

ALl matrices are dense. I only list matrices, and omit vectors.

  1. Input: Y, S

  2. Initialization: M

  3. VGA: Beta(LF’), Sigma, M,V

  4. flash: M

  5. calc elbo: everything

As we can see, there are 6 dense matrices stored in memory all the time. The memory can easily run out on large Y, but the advantage is it’s fast because I basically traded space for time. However, for a matrix of dimension \(10^5\times 10^4\), it requires hundreds of GB of memory which is not practical.

To reduce the memory usage, I decided to do the following modification, some of which traded time for space.

A. the input matrix \(Y\) is stored in sparse format, and \(S\) is rank-1 so we only need two vectors to represent it.

B. Instead of storing Beta, I store EL, EF, two low rank matrices. When ever Beta is needed, just multiple EL,EF.

C. Sigma is not needed because sigma2 is at most a vector, Previously I formulate Sigma to simply the code.

D. For the VGA step, I did two things. First, I break samples into small folds and update each folds in a loop. So it avoids operations on huge matrices Second, since we know at optimal value, there’s an implicit relationship between M and V, we only need M. So I only stored M.

E. I also found gc() very useful to clean up the memory, but it’s very slow so I use it after each iteration.

F. do not calculate the elbo during iterations. Instead use the MSE between two sigma2 to decide if iterations should be terminated.

G. object stores the input data M so after flash running, we can do rm(M)

However it significantly increases the computation cost because:

A. No longer support 1 iter update in VGA. (otherwise would need matrix V). (It’s fine because usually newton’s method converges in 3-5 steps)

B. Need to calculate LF’ repeatly. (Can be solving by storing LF’ for each fold)

C. Sparse matrix and dense matrix dot product is very slow. Basically element-wise operation of sparse matrix should be avoided. (Can be solving by as.matrix(Y_sparse)for each fold)

D. folds add extra for loop in vga step.

On a matrix of dimension \(10^5\times 10^3\) with \(97\%\) 0’s, the peak memory usage was reduced from 17GB to 6GB.


Maybe ultimately need a mini-batch version(like SGD) to reduce memory overload.