Last updated: 2023-10-27

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: misc/analysis/

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The results in this page were generated with repository version a6608e4. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/mr.ash.debug.Rmd) and HTML (docs/mr.ash.debug.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd a6608e4 Matthew Stephens 2023-10-27 workflowr::wflow_publish("analysis/mr.ash.debug.Rmd")


I wrote this to debug mr.ash behavior and dependence on scaling of X and y. This resulted in a bug fix to mr.ash.alpha, so now this page documents the correct behavior of modified code.

First I simulate some data

n = 100
p = 10
X = matrix(rnorm(n*p),ncol=p)
beta = rep(0,p)
beta[1] = 1
y = X %*% beta + rnorm(n)


Here I run mr.ash.alphs::mr.ash on the data, and on scaled versions of the data, scaling X by 10 and y by 2: = mr.ash(X,y)
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 1000. = get.full.posterior( = mr.ash(X*10,y*2)
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 218.
full.post2 = get.full.posterior(

Compare the point estimates output by mr.ash with the posterior mean from the full posterior computation. We see they match.

plot($b,rowSums($m *$phi))

plot($b,rowSums(full.post2$m * full.post2$phi))

Scaling of main outputs from mr.ash

Check how the main estimates output by mr.ash change with the scaling. We see that the estimated beta scales with \(y/X\) as expected. The residual variance scales with \(y^2\), as expected. The grid scales with 1/X^2, which is (scale of beta)^2/(scale of sigma2), so also appropriate.$beta/$beta # 0.2 = scale of y/X 
 [1,] 0.1999127
 [2,] 0.2023838
 [3,] 0.2027636
 [4,] 0.2032143
 [5,] 0.2035546
 [6,] 0.2026850
 [7,] 0.2030517
 [8,] 0.2027936
 [9,] 0.2024179
[10,] 0.2030022$sigma2/$sigma2 # 4 = 2^2
[1] 4.000865$data$sa2/$data$sa2 # 0.01 = 1/(scale of X^2)
 [1]  NaN 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
[16] 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Scaling of posterior outputs from get.full.posterior

Here i check the scaling of the posterior outputs. The posterior variance scales with y2/X2 which is scale of beta^2, which makes sense. The posterior mean scales with (y/X), also correct. Finally phi should not change with scaling but it does.

full.post2$m/$m # 0.2 = scale of sigma^2*  = y^3/X 
      [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]      [,7]
 [1,]  NaN 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992
 [2,]  NaN 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048
 [3,]  NaN 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442
 [4,]  NaN 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313
 [5,]  NaN 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064
 [6,]  NaN 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713
 [7,]  NaN 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268
 [8,]  NaN 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154
 [9,]  NaN 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615
[10,]  NaN 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460
           [,8]      [,9]     [,10]     [,11]     [,12]     [,13]     [,14]
 [1,] 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992
 [2,] 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048
 [3,] 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442
 [4,] 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313
 [5,] 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064
 [6,] 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713
 [7,] 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268
 [8,] 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154
 [9,] 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615
[10,] 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460
          [,15]     [,16]     [,17]     [,18]     [,19]     [,20]
 [1,] 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992 0.1999992
 [2,] 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048 0.2000048
 [3,] 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442 0.1999442
 [4,] 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313 0.2004313
 [5,] 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064 0.2004064
 [6,] 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713 0.2000713
 [7,] 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268 0.2001268
 [8,] 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154 0.2000154
 [9,] 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615 0.1999615
[10,] 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460 0.2001460
full.post2$s2/$s2 #0.04 = scale of sigma^2/scale of X^2 = scale of betq^2 
      [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]       [,6]       [,7]
 [1,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [2,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [3,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [4,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [5,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [6,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [7,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [8,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [9,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
[10,]  NaN 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
            [,8]       [,9]      [,10]      [,11]      [,12]      [,13]
 [1,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [2,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [3,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [4,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [5,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [6,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [7,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [8,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [9,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
[10,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
           [,14]      [,15]      [,16]      [,17]      [,18]      [,19]
 [1,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [2,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [3,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [4,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [5,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [6,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [7,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [8,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [9,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
[10,] 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865 0.04000865
 [1,] 0.04000865
 [2,] 0.04000865
 [3,] 0.04000865
 [4,] 0.04000865
 [5,] 0.04000865
 [6,] 0.04000865
 [7,] 0.04000865
 [8,] 0.04000865
 [9,] 0.04000865
[10,] 0.04000865
           [,1]     [,2]     [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]      [,7]
 [1,] 1.0065060 16853871 1.058385 1.0043840 1.0034415 1.0028226 1.0025272
 [2,] 0.9990900 16738133 1.052325 0.9997989 0.9997622 0.9997781 0.9999174
 [3,] 0.9992772 16741361 1.052541 1.0000167 0.9999895 1.0000119 1.0001558
 [4,] 0.9992776 16741443 1.052556 1.0000397 1.0000185 1.0000449 1.0001914
 [5,] 0.9993073 16742219 1.052638 1.0001431 1.0001382 1.0001747 1.0003275
 [6,] 0.9992066 16740434 1.052517 1.0000252 1.0000206 1.0000581 1.0002120
 [7,] 0.9992834 16741652 1.052583 1.0000773 1.0000640 1.0000954 1.0002451
 [8,] 0.9992275 16740559 1.052495 0.9999767 0.9999523 0.9999766 1.0001217
 [9,] 0.9991042 16737711 1.052216 0.9996309 0.9995515 0.9995407 0.9996631
[10,] 0.9992655 16741469 1.052587 1.0000942 1.0000903 1.0001278 1.0002815
          [,8]     [,9]    [,10]    [,11]    [,12]    [,13]    [,14]    [,15]
 [1,] 1.002583 1.002945 1.003548 1.004454 1.005946 1.008749 18.51958 275942.5
 [2,] 1.000273 1.000846 1.001600 1.002616 1.004190 1.007053 18.48936 275503.2
 [3,] 1.000514 1.001089 1.001845 1.002863 1.004438 1.007303 18.49395 275571.7
 [4,] 1.000552 1.001128 1.001885 1.002903 1.004478 1.007344 18.49472 275583.1
 [5,] 1.000692 1.001271 1.002030 1.003050 1.004626 1.007493 18.49747 275624.2
 [6,] 1.000577 1.001157 1.001916 1.002937 1.004514 1.007380 18.49540 275593.4
 [7,] 1.000607 1.001185 1.001943 1.002963 1.004538 1.007404 18.49583 275599.8
 [8,] 1.000481 1.001057 1.001813 1.002831 1.004406 1.007271 18.49337 275563.1
 [9,] 1.000007 1.000572 1.001321 1.002333 1.003903 1.006764 18.48402 275423.3
[10,] 1.000646 1.001226 1.001985 1.003006 1.004582 1.007449 18.49666 275612.2
         [,16]    [,17]     [,18]    [,19]   [,20]
 [1,] 48993.68 1.396030 0.6951408 766.8210 4716277
 [2,] 48917.22 1.393887 0.6940880 765.6728 4709283
 [3,] 48929.40 1.394234 0.6942612 765.8640 4710459
 [4,] 48931.43 1.394292 0.6942902 765.8960 4710657
 [5,] 48938.75 1.394501 0.6943944 766.0112 4711366
 [6,] 48933.29 1.394346 0.6943170 765.9259 4710841
 [7,] 48934.41 1.394377 0.6943326 765.9429 4710946
 [8,] 48927.87 1.394191 0.6942396 765.8402 4710313
 [9,] 48902.98 1.393480 0.6938849 765.4483 4707900
[10,] 48936.63 1.394441 0.6943644 765.9781 4711162

I think the differences in phi are due to small differences in estimated pis. Here I make the pis the same and check it works.$pi =$pi = get.full.posterior(
full.post2 = get.full.posterior(
           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]      [,6]      [,7]
 [1,] 1.0059894 1.0054725 1.0042972 1.0031062 1.0021869 1.0015428 1.0011016
 [2,] 1.0000032 0.9999937 0.9999729 0.9999529 0.9999381 0.9999281 0.9999213
 [3,] 1.0000006 0.9999967 0.9999883 0.9999808 0.9999755 0.9999720 0.9999698
 [4,] 0.9999999 1.0000004 1.0000016 1.0000026 1.0000034 1.0000039 1.0000043
 [5,] 0.9999980 1.0000152 1.0000480 1.0000745 1.0000915 1.0001021 1.0001087
 [6,] 0.9999974 1.0000086 1.0000332 1.0000567 1.0000739 1.0000856 1.0000934
 [7,] 0.9999990 1.0000062 1.0000208 1.0000335 1.0000421 1.0000477 1.0000512
 [8,] 1.0000004 0.9999982 0.9999939 0.9999903 0.9999878 0.9999862 0.9999852
 [9,] 1.0000127 0.9999638 0.9998653 0.9997802 0.9997227 0.9996859 0.9996623
[10,] 0.9999977 1.0000119 1.0000411 1.0000671 1.0000851 1.0000967 1.0001042
           [,8]      [,9]     [,10]     [,11]     [,12]     [,13]     [,14]
 [1,] 1.0007968 1.0005822 1.0004277 1.0003140 1.0002286 1.0001634 1.0001126
 [2,] 0.9999167 0.9999135 0.9999113 0.9999096 0.9999083 0.9999074 0.9999066
 [3,] 0.9999683 0.9999672 0.9999665 0.9999659 0.9999655 0.9999652 0.9999650
 [4,] 1.0000045 1.0000047 1.0000048 1.0000049 1.0000049 1.0000050 1.0000050
 [5,] 1.0001131 1.0001161 1.0001181 1.0001196 1.0001207 1.0001216 1.0001222
 [6,] 1.0000987 1.0001024 1.0001050 1.0001069 1.0001084 1.0001094 1.0001103
 [7,] 1.0000536 1.0000552 1.0000564 1.0000572 1.0000578 1.0000583 1.0000587
 [8,] 0.9999845 0.9999841 0.9999837 0.9999835 0.9999833 0.9999832 0.9999831
 [9,] 0.9996466 0.9996359 0.9996283 0.9996228 0.9996187 0.9996156 0.9996132
[10,] 1.0001093 1.0001127 1.0001152 1.0001170 1.0001183 1.0001193 1.0001201
          [,15]     [,16]     [,17]     [,18]     [,19]     [,20]
 [1,] 1.0000726 1.0000405 1.0000147 0.9999935 0.9999761 0.9999616
 [2,] 0.9999061 0.9999056 0.9999052 0.9999049 0.9999047 0.9999044
 [3,] 0.9999648 0.9999647 0.9999646 0.9999645 0.9999644 0.9999643
 [4,] 1.0000050 1.0000051 1.0000051 1.0000051 1.0000051 1.0000051
 [5,] 1.0001227 1.0001231 1.0001235 1.0001237 1.0001239 1.0001241
 [6,] 1.0001110 1.0001115 1.0001119 1.0001123 1.0001126 1.0001128
 [7,] 1.0000589 1.0000592 1.0000593 1.0000595 1.0000596 1.0000597
 [8,] 0.9999830 0.9999829 0.9999829 0.9999829 0.9999828 0.9999828
 [9,] 0.9996113 0.9996098 0.9996086 0.9996076 0.9996068 0.9996062
[10,] 1.0001207 1.0001212 1.0001216 1.0001219 1.0001222 1.0001224

Notes on code

Here was the old code for computing the posterior:

function (fit) 
  r = fit$data$y - fit$data$X %*% fit$beta
  bw = as.vector((t(fit$data$X) %*% r) + fit$data$w * fit$beta)
  s2 = fit$sigma2/outer(fit$data$w, 1/fit$data$sa2, "+")
  m = bw * s2
  phi = -log(1 + outer(fit$data$w, fit$data$sa2))/2 + m * (bw/2/fit$sigma2)
  phi = c(fit$pi) * t(exp(phi - apply(phi, 1, max)))
  phi = t(phi)/colSums(phi)
  return(list(phi = phi, m = m, s2 = s2))

The code for s2 matches the equation after (73) in Kim et al.

The code for m seems wrong; it should be bw*s2/fit$sigma2

The code for phi is weird, but I think it is correct. Here I fix the code for m.

get.full.posterior2 <-
function (fit) 
  r = fit$data$y - fit$data$X %*% fit$beta
  bw = as.vector((t(fit$data$X) %*% r) + fit$data$w * fit$beta)
  s2 = fit$sigma2/outer(fit$data$w, 1/fit$data$sa2, "+")
  m = bw * s2/fit$sigma2
  b = bw/fit$data$w
  phi = -log(1 + outer(fit$data$w, fit$data$sa2))/2 + m * (bw/2/fit$sigma2)
  #phi = -log(1 + outer(fit$data$w, fit$data$sa2))/2 -(0.5/fit$sigma2)* b^2/outer(1/fit$data$w, fit$data$sa2, "+")
  phi = c(fit$pi) * t(exp(phi - apply(phi, 1, max)))
  phi = t(phi)/colSums(phi)
  return(list(phi = phi, m = m, s2 = s2))

R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur ... 10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] mr.ash.alpha_0.1-43

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.11      highr_0.10       pillar_1.9.0     compiler_4.2.1  
 [5] bslib_0.4.2      later_1.3.0      jquerylib_0.1.4  git2r_0.31.0    
 [9] workflowr_1.7.0  tools_4.2.1      digest_0.6.33    lattice_0.20-45 
[13] jsonlite_1.8.7   evaluate_0.22    lifecycle_1.0.3  tibble_3.2.1    
[17] pkgconfig_2.0.3  rlang_1.1.1      Matrix_1.5-3     cli_3.6.1       
[21] rstudioapi_0.14  yaml_2.3.7       xfun_0.37        fastmap_1.1.1   
[25] stringr_1.5.0    knitr_1.42       fs_1.6.3         vctrs_0.6.4     
[29] sass_0.4.5       grid_4.2.1       rprojroot_2.0.3  glue_1.6.2      
[33] R6_2.5.1         fansi_1.0.5      rmarkdown_2.20   magrittr_2.0.3  
[37] whisker_0.4.1    promises_1.2.0.1 htmltools_0.5.4  httpuv_1.6.9    
[41] utf8_1.2.3       stringi_1.7.12   cachem_1.0.7