Last updated: 2019-07-03

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd f273b11 Peter Carbonetto 2019-07-03 wflow_publish(“selective_inference_toy.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE, view =
html e5c780a Peter Carbonetto 2019-07-03 Build site.
Rmd 3092824 Peter Carbonetto 2019-07-03 wflow_publish(“selective_inference_toy.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE, view =
html 3dc76c8 Peter Carbonetto 2019-07-03 Polished up selective inference example a bit.
Rmd 9fec801 Peter Carbonetto 2019-07-03 wflow_publish(“selective_inference_toy.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE, view =
html 3c56436 Peter Carbonetto 2019-07-03 Build site.
Rmd f10e34a Peter Carbonetto 2019-07-03 wflow_publish(“selective_inference_toy.Rmd”)
html b009ce4 Matthew Stephens 2019-06-25 Build site.
Rmd 9bc3245 Matthew Stephens 2019-06-25 workflowr::wflow_publish(“analysis/selective_inference_toy.Rmd”)


Here we investigate “selective inference” in the toy example of Wang et al (2018).

Load packages

First, load the selective inference package.


Simulate data

Now simulate some data with \(x_1 = x_2\) and \(x_3 = x_4\), and with effects at variables 1 and 3. (We simulate \(p = 100\) variables rather than \(p = 1000\) so that the example runs faster.)

n     <- 500
p     <- 100
x     <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
x[,2] <- x[,1] 
x[,4] <- x[,3]
b     <- rep(0,p)
b[1]  <- 1
b[4]  <- 1
y     <- drop(x %*% b + rnorm(n))

Run selective inference

Unfortunately, the selective inference methods won’t allow duplicate columns.

try(fsfit <- fs(x,y))
try(larfit <- lar(x,y))
# Error in checkargs.xy(x = x, y = y) : x cannot have duplicate columns
# Error in checkargs.xy(x = x, y = y) : x cannot have duplicate columns

So we modify x so that the identical columns aren’t quite identical.

x[,2] <- x[,1] + rnorm(n,0,0.1) 
x[,4] <- x[,3] + rnorm(n,0,0.1)
# [1] 0.9955977
# [1] 0.9952243

Now run the forward selection again, computing sequential p-values and confidence intervals.

fsfit <- fs(x,y)
out   <- fsInf(fsfit)
# Call:
# fsInf(obj = fsfit)
# Standard deviation of noise (specified or estimated) sigma = 0.995
# Sequential testing results with alpha = 0.100
#  Step Var   Coef Z-score P-value LowConfPt UpConfPt LowTailArea UpTailArea
#     1   1  0.900  20.573   0.003     0.441    0.953       0.050      0.049
#     2   3  0.956  21.494   0.000     0.716    1.397       0.050      0.050
#     3  37  0.099   2.133   0.539    -0.439    0.156       0.050      0.050
#     4  45  0.083   1.817   0.911      -Inf    0.204       0.000      0.050
#     5   4 -0.838  -1.850   0.215      -Inf   10.125       0.000      0.050
#     6  46  0.077   1.747   0.715    -3.695    1.192       0.050      0.050
#     7  64 -0.077  -1.718   0.409    -3.906    2.666       0.050      0.050
#     8  79  0.076   1.678   0.542    -3.007    2.405       0.050      0.050
#     9  43  0.080   1.721   0.366    -1.354    2.373       0.050      0.050
#    10  68 -0.075  -1.669   0.456      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    11  13  0.081   1.738   0.434      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    12  61 -0.075  -1.588   0.102      -Inf    0.580       0.000      0.050
#    13  56 -0.064  -1.452   0.487    -3.159    3.055       0.050      0.050
#    14  84  0.058   1.332   0.901      -Inf    0.601       0.000      0.050
#    15  90  0.060   1.324   0.548    -3.950    3.120       0.050      0.050
#    16  65 -0.057  -1.284   0.298      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    17  69 -0.056  -1.243   0.071      -Inf    0.613       0.000      0.050
#    18  74 -0.053  -1.177   0.998     4.469      Inf       0.010      0.000
#    19  18  0.052   1.194   0.084    -3.562      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    20  70 -0.047  -1.097   0.229      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    21  49 -0.049  -1.075   0.092      -Inf    1.785       0.000      0.050
#    22  88  0.055   1.118   0.918      -Inf    1.226       0.000      0.050
#    23  25  0.049   1.055   0.060    -0.614      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    24  27 -0.047  -1.055   0.504      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    25  96  0.051   1.120   0.861      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    26  39  0.048   1.029   0.908      -Inf    3.127       0.000      0.050
#    27  40 -0.050  -1.041   0.005      -Inf   -4.787       0.000      0.011
#    28  17 -0.045  -0.968   0.190      -Inf    3.100       0.000      0.050
#    29  66 -0.041  -0.901   0.879    -2.066      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    30  85  0.042   0.916   0.874      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    31   8 -0.044  -0.932   0.391      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    32  22 -0.044  -0.933   0.144      -Inf    3.515       0.000      0.050
#    33  78  0.041   0.933   0.821      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    34  28 -0.041  -0.882   0.789    -4.262      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    35   7  0.043   0.896   0.894      -Inf    2.807       0.000      0.050
#    36  26  0.044   0.905   0.620      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    37  21 -0.041  -0.869   0.590      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    38  71  0.043   0.940   0.194      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    39  73  0.040   0.858   0.247      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    40  50 -0.041  -0.867   0.963     4.773      Inf       0.048      0.000
#    41  99  0.041   0.876   0.022     4.638      Inf       0.033      0.000
#    42  59  0.036   0.790   0.079    -1.322      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    43  76  0.034   0.738   0.060    -0.458      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    44  62 -0.037  -0.781   0.760    -3.209      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    45  19  0.031   0.717   0.638      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    46  36 -0.033  -0.711   0.705      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    47   6  0.030   0.684   0.828      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    48  34  0.034   0.725   0.041     1.281      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    49  57 -0.035  -0.740   0.915    -2.026      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    50  42 -0.034  -0.754   0.865    -4.424      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    51  14 -0.032  -0.692   0.212      -Inf    3.813       0.000      0.050
#    52  53  0.030   0.665   0.301      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    53  83 -0.028  -0.627   0.704      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    54  35  0.029   0.620   0.680      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    55  12  0.027   0.594   0.850      -Inf    2.456       0.000      0.050
#    56   2 -0.285  -0.587   0.877      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    57  38  0.031   0.617   0.632      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    58  41 -0.026  -0.562   0.987     0.322      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    59  51  0.027   0.583   0.023    -0.330      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    60  91  0.030   0.644   0.943      -Inf    0.654       0.000      0.050
#    61  58  0.027   0.574   0.773      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    62  97  0.029   0.558   0.002     5.116      Inf       0.004      0.000
#    63  87  0.025   0.523   0.552      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    64   5  0.025   0.509   0.108    -2.311      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    65  63  0.022   0.485   0.489      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    66  47  0.022   0.455   0.927      -Inf    2.634       0.000      0.050
#    67   9  0.021   0.459   0.642      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    68  31  0.021   0.448   0.064    -1.444      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    69  89 -0.021  -0.426   0.721      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    70  32 -0.022  -0.419   0.428      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    71  86 -0.021  -0.422   0.188      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    72  48 -0.020  -0.402   0.492      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    73  20 -0.017  -0.360   0.163      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    74  67 -0.018  -0.373   0.202      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    75  44  0.017   0.348   0.281      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    76  52  0.016   0.329   0.407    -3.741      Inf       0.050      0.000
#    77  11  0.015   0.309   0.697      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    78  23  0.014   0.308   0.357      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    79  94  0.014   0.313   0.402      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    80  30  0.014   0.287   0.339      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    81  95  0.013   0.264   0.269      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    82  33  0.012   0.251   0.553      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    83  15 -0.011  -0.226   0.534      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    84  98  0.011   0.235   0.305      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    85  72 -0.010  -0.205   0.119      -Inf    4.010       0.000      0.050
#    86 100  0.008   0.161   0.797      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    87  81 -0.008  -0.161   0.107      -Inf    2.010       0.000      0.050
#    88  24  0.007   0.135   0.771      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    89  10  0.006   0.123   0.440      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    90  60  0.006   0.120   0.592      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    91  75 -0.005  -0.113   0.153      -Inf    4.187       0.000      0.050
#    92  16 -0.004  -0.086   0.629      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    93  54  0.004   0.078   0.996      -Inf   -5.340       0.000      0.004
#    94  29  0.004   0.077   0.842      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    95  82  0.004   0.078   0.004     4.839      Inf       0.005      0.000
#    96  80  0.000  -0.008   0.880      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    97  93  0.000   0.008   0.642      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    98  77  0.000  -0.007   0.185      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#    99  55  0.000  -0.004   0.716      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
#   100  92  0.000  -0.003   0.443      -Inf      Inf       0.000      0.000
# Estimated stopping point from ForwardStop rule = 2


From the above output, we see that the selective inference method selected variables 1 and 3 with very small p-values. Of course, we know that variable 3 is a false selection, so it might seem bad that the p-value is small. However, you have to remember that p-values do not measure significance of variable selection—they measure the significance of the coefficient of the selected variable, conditional on the selection event.

Put another way, selective inference is not trying to assess uncertainty in which variables should be selected, and is certainly not trying to produce inferences of the form \[(b_1 \neq 0 \text{ OR } b_2 \neq 0) \text{ AND } (b_3 \neq 0 \text{ OR } b_4 \neq 0),\] which was the goal of Wang et al (2018).

# R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
# Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
# Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
# Matrix products: default
# BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
# LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
# locale:
# [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
# attached base packages:
# [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
# other attached packages:
# [1] selectiveInference_1.2.4 survival_2.41-3         
# [3] intervals_0.15.1         glmnet_2.0-16           
# [5] foreach_1.4.4            Matrix_1.2-12           
# loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#  [1] Rcpp_1.0.1        knitr_1.23        whisker_0.3-2    
#  [4] magrittr_1.5      workflowr_1.4.0   splines_3.4.3    
#  [7] lattice_0.20-35   stringr_1.4.0     tools_3.4.3      
# [10] grid_3.4.3        xfun_0.7          git2r_0.25.2.9008
# [13] htmltools_0.3.6   iterators_1.0.9   yaml_2.2.0       
# [16] rprojroot_1.3-2   digest_0.6.18     fs_1.2.7         
# [19] codetools_0.2-15  glue_1.3.1        evaluate_0.13    
# [22] rmarkdown_1.13    stringi_1.4.3     compiler_3.4.3   
# [25] backports_1.1.2