Last updated: 2021-02-19

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: misc/analysis/

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The results in this page were generated with repository version ec45c34. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/ebmr_illustration.Rmd) and HTML (docs/ebmr_illustration.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd ec45c34 Matthew Stephens 2021-02-19 workflowr::wflow_publish(“ebmr_illustration.Rmd”)

Warning: package 'glmnet' was built under R version 3.6.2
Loading required package: Matrix
Loaded glmnet 4.1


The goal here is to illustrate the ebmr.alpha package on some examples.

Change point example

First I will use the changepoint example with linear trend-filtering basis. I use this as a challenging example, particularly for non-convex methods: the basis is not entirely natural for the changepoint problem and as a result the likelihood surface is very ridged.

n = 100
p = n
X = matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=n)
for(i in 1:n){
  X[i:n,i] = 1:(n-i+1)
btrue = rep(0,n)
btrue[40] = 8
btrue[41] = -8
s2 = .4
y = X %*% btrue + s2*rnorm(n)
plot(y,main="true mean (black)")
lines(X %*% btrue)

In the ebmr.alpha package the prior on the regression coefficients is determined by the function used to fit the “Empirical Bayes Normal Variances” model (ebnv_fn). We have the following cases implemented:

  • Normal prior (Ridge regression): ebnv_fn = (point mass prior on w; normal prior on b)
  • Laplace prior (Bayesian Lasso): ebnv_fn = ebnv.exp (exponential prior on w; Laplace prior on b)
  • Mixture of normals (Ash) prior: ebnv_fn = (non-parametric prior on w; mixture of normals prior on b)
  • Mixture of Laplaces prior: ebnv_fn = ebnv.exp_mix (mixture of exponentials prior on w; mixture of Laplaces prior on b)

For the mixture priors you can either fix the grid or update the grid each iteration using em updates. (Note: The EM versions do not really “solve” the EBNV problem because they do not find the maximum likelihood solution for the prior: they simply do a single EM iteration to update the prior grid and mixture proportions before computing posteriors.) To make the interface simpler there are helper functions defined for this:,, ebnv.exp_mix.em and ebnv.exp_mix.fixgrid.

In addition the “regular lasso” can be obtained by using compute_mode=TRUE with the Laplace prior.

EB Ridge and Lasso

Here are the simplest three methods (Ridge, Blasso and Lasso) with non-mixture priors. You can see that the Lasso overfits, suggesting that the EB approach to selecting the hyperparameters for Lasso maybe does not do so well here. = ebmr(X,y, maxiter = 200, ebnv_fn = = ebmr.update(, maxiter = 200, ebnv_fn = ebnv.exp) = ebmr.update(, maxiter = 200, ebnv_fn = ebnv.exp, compute_mode=TRUE)

plot(y,main="true (black), ridge (red), blasso (green) and lasso (blue)")
lines(X %*% btrue)
lines(X %*% coef(, col=2)
lines(X %*% coef(, col=3)
lines(X %*% coef(, col=4)

Ash priors (normal mixture)

To get a mixture prior we have to add a prior (to set the grid) before running the methods. This interface may change, but here it is for now. I compare the result with fixed grid vs estimating the grid using EM. You can see the em update finds much better elbo, and also essentially recovers the true solution. = ebmr.set.prior(,ebmr.alpha:::exp2np($g)) = ebmr.update(, maxiter = 200, ebnv_fn = = ebmr.update(, maxiter = 200, ebnv_fn =$elbo
 [1]      -Inf -149.1742 -149.1742 -173.5210 -170.0211 -168.6862 -168.1280
 [8] -167.8527 -167.6959 -167.5993 -167.5371 -167.4957 -167.4667 -167.4453
[15] -167.4283 -167.4141 -167.4014 -167.3896 -167.3782 -167.3669 -167.3553
[22] -167.3432 -167.3303 -167.3163 -167.3008 -167.2833 -167.2630 -167.2391
[29] -167.2104 -167.1751 -167.1310 -167.0749 -167.0029 -166.9107 -166.7949
[36] -166.6567 -166.5056 -166.3592 -166.2357 -166.1446 -166.0844 -166.0480
[43] -166.0271 -166.0156 -166.0094 -166.0061 -166.0044 -166.0036 -166.0031
[50] -166.0029 -166.0028 -166.0027 -166.0027 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026
[57] -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026
[64] -166.0026 -142.5156 -138.2147 -134.7036 -131.7616 -128.3173 -128.3172
[71] -128.3172$elbo
  [1]       -Inf -149.17416 -149.17416 -173.52098 -170.02112 -168.68616
  [7] -168.12798 -167.85268 -167.69587 -167.59926 -167.53715 -167.49570
 [13] -167.46672 -167.44526 -167.42831 -167.41406 -167.40139 -167.38960
 [19] -167.37820 -167.36686 -167.35529 -167.34321 -167.33034 -167.31635
 [25] -167.30083 -167.28328 -167.26301 -167.23913 -167.21041 -167.17515
 [31] -167.13103 -167.07495 -167.00295 -166.91068 -166.79489 -166.65673
 [37] -166.50562 -166.35918 -166.23568 -166.14457 -166.08445 -166.04796
 [43] -166.02707 -166.01556 -166.00939 -166.00614 -166.00444 -166.00356
 [49] -166.00310 -166.00287 -166.00275 -166.00269 -166.00266 -166.00265
 [55] -166.00264 -166.00264 -166.00263 -166.00263 -166.00263 -166.00263
 [61] -166.00263 -166.00263 -166.00263 -166.00263 -132.66074 -110.77197
 [67]  -95.74083  -87.45071  -83.25759  -80.79295  -79.11300  -77.95790
 [73]  -77.17485  -76.64434  -76.28268  -76.03381  -75.86054  -75.73809
 [79]  -75.65000  -75.58534  -75.53688  -75.49980  -75.47087  -75.44788
 [85]  -75.42931  -75.41409  -75.40143  -75.39078  -75.38172  -75.37395
 [91]  -75.36720  -75.36132  -75.35614  -75.35155  -75.34746  -75.34380
 [97]  -75.34051  -75.33753  -75.33482  -75.33235  -75.33009  -75.32801
[103]  -75.32610  -75.32433  -75.32269  -75.32117  -75.31976  -75.31843
[109]  -75.31720  -75.31604  -75.31495  -75.31393  -75.31296  -75.31205
[115]  -75.31120  -75.31038  -75.30961  -75.30888  -75.30818  -75.30752
[121]  -75.30689  -75.30629  -75.30572  -75.30517  -75.30464  -75.30414
[127]  -75.30366  -75.30320  -75.30276  -75.30233  -75.30192  -75.30153
[133]  -75.30115  -75.30078  -75.30043  -75.30009  -75.29977  -75.29945
[139]  -75.29915  -75.29885  -75.29856  -75.29829  -75.29802  -75.29776
[145]  -75.29751  -75.29727  -75.29703  -75.29680  -75.29658  -75.29636
[151]  -75.29615  -75.29595  -75.29575  -75.29555  -75.29537  -75.29518
[157]  -75.29500  -75.29483  -75.29466  -75.29450  -75.29433  -75.29418
[163]  -75.29402  -75.29387  -75.29373  -75.29359  -75.29345  -75.29331
[169]  -75.29318  -75.29305  -75.29292  -75.29279  -75.29267  -75.29255
[175]  -75.29244  -75.29232  -75.29221  -75.29210  -75.29199  -75.29189
[181]  -75.29179  -75.29169  -75.29159  -75.29149  -75.29139  -75.29130
[187]  -75.29121  -75.29112  -75.29103  -75.29094  -75.29086  -75.29078
[193]  -75.29069  -75.29061  -75.29053  -75.29046  -75.29038  -75.29030
[199]  -75.29023  -75.29016  -75.29009  -75.29002  -75.28995  -75.28988
[205]  -75.28981  -75.28975  -75.28968  -75.28962  -75.28956  -75.28949
[211]  -75.28943  -75.28937  -75.28931  -75.28926  -75.28920  -75.28914
[217]  -75.28909  -75.28903  -75.28898  -75.28893  -75.28887  -75.28882
[223]  -75.28877  -75.28872  -75.28867  -75.28862  -75.28858  -75.28853
[229]  -75.28848  -75.28844  -75.28839  -75.28834  -75.28830  -75.28826
[235]  -75.28821  -75.28817  -75.28813  -75.28809  -75.28805  -75.28801
[241]  -75.28797  -75.28793  -75.28789  -75.28785  -75.28781  -75.28777
[247]  -75.28774  -75.28770  -75.28766  -75.28763  -75.28759  -75.28756
[253]  -75.28752  -75.28749  -75.28746  -75.28742  -75.28739  -75.28736
[259]  -75.28732  -75.28729  -75.28726  -75.28723  -75.28720  -75.28717
plot(y,main="true (black), ridge (red), ash fixed grid (cyan) and em (magenta)")
lines(X %*% btrue)
lines(X %*% coef(, col=2)
lines(X %*% coef(, col=5,lwd=2)
lines(X %*% coef(, col=6, lwd=2)

Lash priors (laplace mixture)

Similarly we can use a mixture of laplaces for the prior, with either EM update or fixed grid. Again the em update finds much better elbo, and also essentially recovers the true solution. = ebmr.set.prior(,ebmr.alpha:::exp2np($g)) = ebmr.update(, maxiter = 200, ebnv_fn = ebnv.exp_mix.em) = ebmr.update(, maxiter = 200, ebnv_fn = ebnv.exp_mix.fixgrid)$elbo
 [1]      -Inf -149.1742 -149.1742 -173.5210 -170.0211 -168.6862 -168.1280
 [8] -167.8527 -167.6959 -167.5993 -167.5371 -167.4957 -167.4667 -167.4453
[15] -167.4283 -167.4141 -167.4014 -167.3896 -167.3782 -167.3669 -167.3553
[22] -167.3432 -167.3303 -167.3163 -167.3008 -167.2833 -167.2630 -167.2391
[29] -167.2104 -167.1751 -167.1310 -167.0749 -167.0029 -166.9107 -166.7949
[36] -166.6567 -166.5056 -166.3592 -166.2357 -166.1446 -166.0844 -166.0480
[43] -166.0271 -166.0156 -166.0094 -166.0061 -166.0044 -166.0036 -166.0031
[50] -166.0029 -166.0028 -166.0027 -166.0027 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026
[57] -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026
[64] -166.0026 -158.9146 -152.9884 -150.4794 -148.7849 -147.2660 -145.7075
[71] -144.7154 -143.3628 -142.7717 -140.6747 -140.1784 -140.0572 -140.0271
[78] -140.0196 -140.0177 -140.0172 -140.0171 -140.0170 -140.0170 -140.0170
[85] -140.0170 -140.0170 -140.0170 -140.0170$elbo
  [1]      -Inf -149.1742 -149.1742 -173.5210 -170.0211 -168.6862 -168.1280
  [8] -167.8527 -167.6959 -167.5993 -167.5371 -167.4957 -167.4667 -167.4453
 [15] -167.4283 -167.4141 -167.4014 -167.3896 -167.3782 -167.3669 -167.3553
 [22] -167.3432 -167.3303 -167.3163 -167.3008 -167.2833 -167.2630 -167.2391
 [29] -167.2104 -167.1751 -167.1310 -167.0749 -167.0029 -166.9107 -166.7949
 [36] -166.6567 -166.5056 -166.3592 -166.2357 -166.1446 -166.0844 -166.0480
 [43] -166.0271 -166.0156 -166.0094 -166.0061 -166.0044 -166.0036 -166.0031
 [50] -166.0029 -166.0028 -166.0027 -166.0027 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026
 [57] -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026 -166.0026
 [64] -166.0026 -157.7475 -142.2218 -128.0311 -117.8529 -112.2631 -109.2260
 [71] -107.2445 -105.8703 -104.9310 -104.2941 -103.8611 -103.5646 -103.3593
 [78] -103.2152 -103.1122 -103.0373 -102.9816 -102.9393 -102.9066 -102.8807
 [85] -102.8600 -102.8431 -102.8292 -102.8175 -102.8076 -102.7992 -102.7919
 [92] -102.7855 -102.7800 -102.7751 -102.7707 -102.7668 -102.7633 -102.7602
 [99] -102.7573 -102.7547 -102.7523 -102.7501 -102.7481 -102.7463 -102.7445
[106] -102.7430 -102.7415 -102.7401 -102.7388 -102.7376 -102.7365 -102.7354
[113] -102.7344 -102.7335 -102.7326 -102.7317 -102.7309 -102.7302 -102.7295
[120] -102.7288 -102.7281 -102.7275 -102.7269 -102.7264 -102.7258 -102.7253
[127] -102.7248 -102.7243 -102.7239 -102.7234 -102.7230 -102.7226 -102.7222
[134] -102.7219 -102.7215 -102.7212 -102.7208 -102.7205 -102.7202 -102.7199
[141] -102.7196 -102.7193 -102.7190 -102.7188 -102.7185 -102.7183 -102.7180
[148] -102.7178 -102.7176 -102.7173 -102.7171 -102.7169 -102.7167 -102.7165
[155] -102.7163 -102.7161 -102.7160 -102.7158 -102.7156 -102.7155 -102.7153
[162] -102.7151 -102.7150 -102.7148 -102.7147 -102.7145 -102.7144 -102.7142
[169] -102.7141 -102.7140 -102.7138 -102.7137 -102.7136 -102.7135 -102.7134
[176] -102.7132 -102.7131 -102.7130 -102.7129 -102.7128 -102.7127 -102.7126
[183] -102.7125 -102.7124 -102.7123 -102.7122 -102.7121 -102.7120 -102.7119
[190] -102.7118 -102.7118 -102.7117 -102.7116 -102.7115 -102.7114 -102.7114
[197] -102.7113 -102.7112 -102.7111 -102.7111 -102.7110 -102.7109 -102.7108
[204] -102.7108 -102.7107 -102.7106 -102.7106 -102.7105 -102.7104 -102.7104
[211] -102.7103 -102.7103 -102.7102 -102.7101 -102.7101 -102.7100 -102.7100
[218] -102.7099 -102.7099 -102.7098 -102.7098 -102.7097 -102.7097 -102.7096
[225] -102.7096 -102.7095 -102.7095 -102.7094 -102.7094 -102.7093 -102.7093
[232] -102.7092 -102.7092 -102.7091 -102.7091 -102.7090 -102.7090 -102.7090
[239] -102.7089 -102.7089 -102.7088 -102.7088 -102.7088 -102.7087 -102.7087
[246] -102.7086 -102.7086 -102.7086 -102.7085 -102.7085 -102.7085 -102.7084
[253] -102.7084 -102.7084 -102.7083 -102.7083 -102.7083 -102.7082 -102.7082
[260] -102.7082 -102.7081 -102.7081 -102.7081 -102.7080
plot(y,main="true (black), ridge (red), lash fixed grid (cyan) and em (magenta)")
lines(X %*% btrue)
lines(X %*% coef(, col=2)
lines(X %*% coef(, col=5,lwd=2)
lines(X %*% coef(, col=6, lwd=2)

Half-dense scenario

This is another situation where we have seen mr.ash does poorly, here.

Here I run the ebmr methods for max 20 iterations to keep compute time down.

  n <- 500
  p <- 1000
  p_causal <- 500 # number of causal variables (simulated effects N(0,1))
  pve <- 0.95
  nrep = 10
  rmse_ebr = rep(0,nrep)
  rmse_glmnet = rep(0,nrep)
  rmse_eblasso= rep(0,nrep)
  rmse_ebash.fix = rep(0,nrep)
  rmse_ebash.em = rep(0,nrep)
  for(i in 1:nrep){
    sim$X =  matrix(rnorm(n*p,sd=1),nrow=n)
    B <- rep(0,p)
    causal_variables <- sample(x=(1:p), size=p_causal)
    B[causal_variables] <- rnorm(n=p_causal, mean=0, sd=1)

    sim$B = B
    sim$Y = sim$X %*% sim$B
    sigma2 = ((1-pve)/(pve))*sd(sim$Y)^2
    E = rnorm(n,sd = sqrt(sigma2))
    sim$Y = sim$Y + E
    fit.glmnet <- cv.glmnet(x=sim$X, y=sim$Y, family="gaussian", alpha=1, standardize=FALSE)  
    fit.ebr = ebmr(sim$X,sim$Y, maxiter = 20, ebnv_fn =
    fit.eblasso = ebmr.update(fit.ebr, maxiter = 20, ebnv_fn = ebnv.exp)
    fit.ebash.init = ebmr.set.prior(fit.eblasso,ebmr.alpha:::exp2np($g))
    fit.ebash.em = ebmr.update(fit.ebash.init, maxiter = 20, ebnv_fn =
    fit.ebash.fix = ebmr.update(fit.ebash.init, maxiter = 20, ebnv_fn =
    #rmse_mrash[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-fit_mrash$beta)^2))
    #rmse_mrash_fixprior[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-fit_mrash_fixprior$beta)^2))
    rmse_glmnet[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-coef(fit.glmnet)[-1])^2))
    rmse_ebr[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-coef(fit.ebr))^2))
    rmse_eblasso[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-coef(fit.eblasso))^2))
    rmse_ebash.fix[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-coef(fit.ebash.fix))^2))
    rmse_ebash.em[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-coef(fit.ebash.em))^2))
  plot(rmse_glmnet, rmse_ebr, xlim=c(0.5,0.7), ylim=c(0.5,0.7), main="red=ridge, green=eblasso")

R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS  10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] glmnet_4.1       Matrix_1.2-18    ebmr.alpha_0.2.6

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.6        pillar_1.4.6      compiler_3.6.0    later_1.1.0.1    
 [5] git2r_0.27.1      workflowr_1.6.2   R.methodsS3_1.8.0 R.utils_2.10.1   
 [9] iterators_1.0.12  tools_3.6.0       digest_0.6.27     evaluate_0.14    
[13] lifecycle_0.2.0   tibble_3.0.4      lattice_0.20-41   pkgconfig_2.0.3  
[17] rlang_0.4.8       foreach_1.5.0     rstudioapi_0.11   yaml_2.2.1       
[21] mvtnorm_1.1-1     xfun_0.16         stringr_1.4.0     knitr_1.29       
[25] fs_1.5.0          vctrs_0.3.4       rprojroot_1.3-2   grid_3.6.0       
[29] glue_1.4.2        R6_2.4.1          survival_3.2-3    rmarkdown_2.3    
[33] mixsqp_0.3-43     irlba_2.3.3       magrittr_1.5      whisker_0.4      
[37] splines_3.6.0     backports_1.1.10  promises_1.1.1    codetools_0.2-16 
[41] ellipsis_0.3.1    htmltools_0.5.0   shape_1.4.4       httpuv_1.5.4     
[45] stringi_1.4.6     crayon_1.3.4      R.oo_1.23.0